- Your credit card will only be charged once after your order ships. If you just placed your order, what you are seeing on your bank account is an authorization. This is a common bank practice handling credit card transactions to ensure sufficient funds and account authenticity. This authorization will clear (depending on your bank, usually within (48-72 hours). If you need help speeding up the process, you can contact the issuing bank of your credit card. Please only click the “Place Order” button once to avoid multiple authorizations.
- If you are receiving an error message, there may be a problem with your credit card information, billing or shipping address. The billing address should match exactly what your bank has on file. Please review all information closely and look for any typos. Also, try re-formatting the names and addresses in your billing information (this often solves the issue).
- If you’re still receiving an error message after reviewing your credit card information, billing and shipping address, make sure you’re using the latest version of your web browser.
- Please only click the “Place Order” button once to avoid multiple authorizations.
- If you continue to receive error messages, please contact Customer Care.
- We are unable to cancel orders once placed. If you need to make a size modification please email us immediately. We generally process orders in stock items immediately, and once our warehouse has processed your order, we will be unable to make any changes.
- Unfortunately we cannot add items to an existing order. Please place a new order for the item and email us. We’ll be happy to waive shipping on this additional order if it was placed within 24 hours of the original order.
- Please see our Size Chart for general information on sizing located on the product page. If you still have specific questions about a fit of an item or measurement guidelines, please email us.
- New items can sell out quickly, but we may get more soon! Please contact us by email so we can further assist you.
- Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are NOT accepting any returns NOR exchanges.
- Most orders ship within 5 business days of purchase. Shipping times may vary due to availability of merchandise. Orders are not shipped on the weekends or holidays. Items purchased with discount codes ship within 2 weeks from purchase date. Please notate that delayed shipping times will be indicated in the product description.
- Sale items are not combinable with any other codes or discounts. Orders that have used codes will null and void free item.
- As soon as your order ships, you will receive an email confirmation to the email address you entered on your order. If for some reason, you did not receive an email, please check your spam folder and add us to your safe sender's list.
- Due to an unforeseen event, the item you ordered suddenly became out of stock and is no longer available. We promise these cases are rare. However, if an item in your order does become unavailable, you will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours about the cancellation. If your order contains additional items, these items will still be shipped to you and the unavailable item will be removed from your order. In any event if the customer decides to cancel order before it is shipped please allow 48 hours for customer care to cancel and process any refunds. If your order comes through our system as potentially fraudulent or fraudulent, it will be cancelled IMMEDIATELY. If you purchase on our website with a fraudulent card, you will be reported to your local authorities and sent to collections for the amount that was charged.
- Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. The general amount for the duties and taxes fee is 20% of the dollar amount of the merchandise. However, this is just a general guideline and may vary depending on the country to which the order was shipped. You should contact your customs office for specific amounts and percentages.
- We cannot control and is not responsible for any duties/taxes applied to your package. You will be responsible for paying additional charges for customs clearance. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; please contact your local customs office for further information. Note, in rare occasions custom agents may delay delivery of some packages.
- By law, we must declare all items at their full price and cannot alter this amount to decrease international custom fees.
- If you refuse a shipment from Vier Couture, you are responsible for the original shipping charges, any import fees, duties and/or taxes that are incurred on the package, and the cost of returning the package to usr. This amount will be deducted from your merchandise refund. In the instance that the return fee exceeds the amount of the merchandise plus shipping costs, the package will be abandoned and you will not be refunded.